Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Back again

It has been quite a while since I posted here. No excuses, no apologies. Since I last wrote I have completed 2 knitting projects and am part way through a third. One day I may put up some photos of my garments. I still struggle with the looseness of my knitting and because of this I have been trying to wash-shrink a dress I completed so I can wear it well. Some things are good too big but dresses aren't one of them.
My other new obsession is playing the guitar. I have bought a guitar and with the help of various websites and numerous talented friends I have been learning chords and diligently practicing. The hardest part, after mastering changing chords, is strumming. I have given up on trying to "learn" to strum and am now just trying to hear it in my head and get something translating from there to my hand - every now and then it works, but that is fairly rare. I'm hoping that it will happen eventually. In the meantime I continue to torture Thrash with my attempts. He doesn't seem to recognise the songs I play, even when it is one I have been playing for a while. I'm not sure what he is hearing (or others for that matter) but it isn't what I hear. Of course I hear exactly what it is supposed to be, like I said earlier - I hear it in my head.


  1. We have had this discussion before - I cannot and never have been able to recognise music played by people just strumming guitars.

  2. Aah - but that is what I want to master - I don't want to "just" strum my guitar - I want to make recognisable sounds... One day it just might happen
